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Code First data annotations
Code First data annotations in net 7 are NET attributes that can be applied to entity classes or properties to override the default conventions of entity framework core EF Core
Remove Migration EF Core
Remove Migration EF Core in many cases and after apllaying add migrations you may find that you need to make additional changes to your EF Core model add or remove
Data seeding
Data seeding is a process where you populate a database with an initial set of data
There are several ways to accomplish this in Entity Framework Core EF
Insert data using DbSet and DbContext
Insert data using DbSet and DbContext how we can use these two objects for inserting data into a database so we will see how to Insert data via DbSet and
EF migrations add database update .NET7
dotnet ef migrations Add and dotnet ef database update these two CLI commands are used to generate the script for creating the database of our project
Create New Project .NET7
Create New Project using NET7 CLI and dotnet new command The command line interface CLI is a cross platform toolchain for developing building running and publishing applications