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ASP NET Core Razor Pages Brightcoding

ASP NET Core Razor Pages

ASP NET Core Razor Pages Brightcoding

course overview

Durant cette formation inchaallah ASP NET CORE Razor Pages , nous allons aborder les axes suivants :
  • N-Tier Architecture
  • Repository Pattern and UnitOfWork
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Database SQL SERVER
  • Implements AdminLTE Template
  • Dependency Injection
  • TempData/ViewBag/ViewData in .NET core
  • Razor Pages (Model binding , Routing , tag helpers, Handlers,….)
  • Call Action method with ajax in Razor Pages
  • NToastNotify, SweetAlerts
  • DataTables with .NET Core
  • Scaffold Identity (Razor Class Library)
  • Roles and Authorization in .NET Core
  • Stripe Payment/Refund with .NET Core
  • Session in .NET Core
  • Emails with SMTP
  • Social Login using Facebook
  • View Components in .NET Core
  • Seed Database with DbInitializer
  • Deployement

c’est une formation axée sur la pédagogie par projet avec une application e-commerce pour la gestion d’un restaurant de A à Zje vous souhaite bon courage / good luck

topics covered

  • Repository Pattern and UnitOfWork
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Dependency Injection
  • Razor Pages (Model binding , Routing , tag helpers, Handlers,….)
  • DataTables with .NET Core
  • Scaffold Identity (Razor Class Library)
  • Roles and Authorization in .NET Core
  • Stripe Payment/Refund with .NET Core
  • Session in .NET Core
  • Emails with SMTP
  • Social Login using Facebook
  • View Components in .NET Core
  • Seed Database with DbInitializer
  • Deployement